Potatoes and lardo di Colonnata pizza of Pizza Chef Gabriele Bonci

Potatoes and lardo di Colonnata pizza is one of the recipes of the pizzachef Gabriele Bonci

Gabriele Bonci born in 1977 in Rome. He has been experimenting in the kitchen since his youth, he had worked in many restaurants in the Italian capital but flour, dough, yeast and the art of breadmaking quickly had him hooked, so Bonci decided to open his own pizzeria in 2003. In a short while, pizza – a simple, humble food – become his life’s mission and cooking became an essential part of it. Today, Bonci dedicates his time to culinary research, experimenting with exceptional doughs and ancient grains. He works with small producers and farmers, supporting a natural baking cycle while bringing back traditional types of bread and pushing the boundaries of the pizza and bread world.
The Bonci empire currently includes three shops in Rome, two in Chicago and one in New Orleans. Another two locations are set to open in Miami in 2020. In 2019, Bonci made his television debut as the star of “Pizza Hero”, a programme focusing entirely on bread and pizza. With the series having received acclaim from audiences and critics alike, the next natural step was a book of the same name, which joined the ranks of best-sellers in 2019.

RECIPE: Potatoes and lardo di Colonnata pizza

1 kg type 2 flour
750 g water
3 g dry yeast
15 g salt
20 g evoo
1 kg mandoline-sliced potatoes
700 g lardo di Colonnata, thinly sliced

METHOD for potatoes and lardo di Colonnata pizza
Place the flour and yeast in a bowl and begin to make the dough, adding the water gradually. Add the salt and oil towards the end.
Let the dough rise in the refrige- rator for 24 hours.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide into portions as desired and let rest for 2 hours at room temperature.
Spread out/toss the dough, transfer to a baking sheet and add the toppings, potatoes first followed by the lardo di Colonnata.
Bake on the highest temperature possible for about 15 minutes.